Category: Interesting Things
HAPPY PEOPLE SPEND MONEY ON EXPERIENCES .Studies have shown that people who spend money on experiences are happier than those who spend on physical objects. So, next time instead of buying a brand new phone or car, think of spending that money on travelling or learning something. You’ll get more happiness in return of your…
5 Myths About Animals You Thought Were True
Before you start bragging to your friends about knowing many random facts and myths about animals , it would be best if you read this article, and make sure all those things you thought you knew, are in fact true. The internet is a living proof of just how much we love animals, and how…
10 interesting facts being single – Crazy Life Hacks
So here are the interesting facts for being single: 1.Being single is smarter than being in a wrong relationship. To be single is always better in order to avoid unnecessary heartbreaks and pain. Relationships with a wrong person may lead a person to depression anxiety and may cause his life go in the way which…
Uncommon Uses Of Common Things – Crazy Life Hacks
In the age of creatives and people that are just plain strange, it is no wonder that our fellow man is coming up nith some pretty interesting life hacks that will throw you for a loop.We can call it life hacks, or tricks, but at the end of the day these are just all referred…
The Chocolate Pudding Fruit aka Black Sapote
The world is consuming too much of chocolate, and by the year 2030, it’s believed that we could be facing a chocolate deficit. But chocolate lovers need not panic, as there will always be substitutes. And one of these already existing substitutes is a relatively healthy fruit called the black Sapote- a fruit that has…
5 Fun Cooking Life Hacks! – Crazy Life Hacks
If you enjoy interesting things, then you are certain to appreciate these cooking life hacks that can making cooking even more fun. Not only can you use them, you will have something great to share with your friends and family! Consider these the next time you are in the kitchen Water boiling out…
Crazy Life Hacks – The Best Life Hacks and Interesting Things
£18,000 – Romanee-Conti DRC 1990 Sold as… Continue reading We’ve all got our favourite pizza toppings. Vegetarian, goats cheese… Continue reading View more All popular sweets are safe right? Wrong! Although all sweets… Continue reading View more The moon is somewhere you might think littering wasn’t an… Continue reading View more The Creepiest Museums…