So is Whiskey Vs Whisky, lets see the different
Have you ever compared bottles of whisk(e)y and wondered why one has an “e” and the other does not? Believe it or not, there is a reason to this mysteriously assumed drunken typo. Whisk(e)y, by definition, is generally any distillate made from grain. Most of the time it is aged in barrels to give it that delicious golden hue, but sometimes it is enjoyed straight from the still. Whether or not your whisk(e)y has an “e” usually denotes country of origin. Therefore, we must go back to the origins of whisk(e)y.
By most scholar’s guess, the distillation of whisk(e)y likely began in the British Isles. The original Gaelic word was “uisge beatha” meaning “water of life.” The pronunciation of “uisge” evolved phonetically over time to “whis-kee” but the distinct stylistic differences of the magical elixir between countries of origin did not begin until the 19th century. By then, distillers in different countries used the ingredients that were unique to their regions; barley in Scotland and corn in America, for instance. This regionalism brought about the unique whisk(e)y flavors of Scotch, Irish, Canadian, American bourbon and even later, Japanese styles. Each, however spelled it differently. They also tended to spell whisk(e)y like they did back home. The English generally spelled whisky without an “e” and that the Scots and the Canadians simply followed suit. The Irish, always the rebel, kept the “e” but most likely it was probably due to the pronunciation issues between Irish Gaelic and Scottish Gaelic.
Generally the rule is that it is called whisky (without an “e”) if it is from Scotland, Canada or Japan. You add the “e” if it originates from Ireland or the United States. There are some vatiations among American brands, however. One theory is that Irish immigrants, after setting up their distilleries in America, named their whiskies with an “e” while Scottish immigrants left the “e” off. A simple look on any bottle of American bourbon might give you a clue as to the founder’s ancestry.