It is often amazing the thrill that we get from some Life hacks . Here are 10 things that would interest most girls and even some guys.
1. Use your Hangers to measure your Fashion Sense: Turn around your clothes on your hanger to the opposite angle. Each time you wear a dress, place it on a hanger and position it correctly in your wardrobe. At the end of a season, every cloth still hanging on the opposite direction means you have not worn it in a while. You can decide to give it out to charity and sell it to make some cash!
2. Use straws for your necklace: The simple technique of passing your necklace through a straw keeps it from tangling.
3. The Perfect device to iron hems is your Hair straightener.
4. You can get your boots organized with the help of clothing hangers. This life hack is one of my favorite!
5. In order to get the best from your Mascara wand, you need to run it under hot water. This makes it easy for usage.
6. The easiest way to take gum off your hair or shoes is with an ice cube: This hardens the gum and make it easy to remove. In case you don’t know, a gum works only when it is moist. It loses its power once the effect of the elements cause it to harden.
7. You can stop your smelly shoes from embarrassing you with the use of baking soda: Your feet sweats and can bring a foul smell when you do not put on your socks. However, when baking soda is applied to the shoe, it kills the bacteria that causes smell. This is one good reason you can choose baking soda over socks!
8. You can easily store your stockings and scarves by tying them to your hangers.
9. Put Magazines, Newspapers or Pool Noodles in your boots. This helps to keep it upright.
10. You can use cutlery trays to effectively store your Jewelry.
Some of these Life Hack can save you from trouble in many ways.
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